Forum Donations 2024/2025
on October 25, 2024, 09:29:59 am
HI Guys The funds from the last donation effort ran out in July. The hosting cost are €22 a month. Ive created a goFundMe as the paypal pools only last one month. again for your support
Re: Mk5 Creek.. Thought it was the subframe.. maybe it's not?
Last Poster: marcp8v in Mk5 General Area on Yesterday at 04:42:59 pm
Well I found the problem, and learnt a lesson at the same time.
It was the two drivers side 16mm rear control arm bush bolts that were both at least half a turn loose. Ended up buying new bolts for both sides and fitting them, and it'#039s been silent since.
Lesson there was don'#039t trust other people'#039s work, and when a car is new to me, just check all bolts in
Last Poster: zomMK5 in How to Guides / Troubleshooting on March 17, 2025, 10:20:59 pm
I have the code p0011: Bank 1: Camshaft A (Intake): Retard Setpoint not Reached (Over-Advanced)
I have replaced Cam chain, tensioner, the 3 oil control rings, and the N205 valve, looking for advice for what to check next, could it possibly be cam position sensor? clogged n205 pickup screen?
Re: Nimal's Shadow blue gti
Last Poster: Scott1974T in Members Rides on March 17, 2025, 04:31:49 pm
Good thread. Can I ask what the spec is for the wing mirror switch and window switch replacements - ie, what Mk golf are they from? I've done the same as you with the headlight switch and upgraded it to a newer version with the chrome on.
Re: Edition 30 - Register
Last Poster: dennis10 in Mk5 General Area on March 17, 2025, 02:58:16 pm
0002 - neilw 0003 - wossy1 0004 - suf 0005 - bones65 0007 - Monte 0009 - chigmuss 0014 - Fezz10 0015 - TomA 0016 - Rickyquicky 0024 - R30 EVW (dshaw) 0025 - Moe 0027 - Flossy-edition30 0030 - Ashley g 0036 - NickG60 0037 - Baza-gti
DMF Friction control plate
Last Poster: MKVASMR in How to Guides / Troubleshooting on March 16, 2025, 07:04:32 pm
I'm planning on doing a full clutch replacement and I'm seeing two types. One with the control plate and one without. Which one is in a stock car? I'm guessing it has some benefits in reducing vibrations. The place I'm planning to get it from currently has the one with the plate around 100euros cheaper. Thanks in advance!
Re: hello
Last Poster: spaspeckerthedull in New Member Intro's on March 16, 2025, 09:16:05 am
Hi mate what parts do you have ?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
various, but pics won'#039t work on this post - ok to list them here? original head unit - RCD500 mp3 full set of OEM 3 way front door speakers, tweeters have covers
Re: Remanufactured CV Shaft
Last Poster: lazy in Mk5 General Area on March 13, 2025, 08:58:03 pm
Also the CV boot shouldn't have any sort of hole in, water would get in and ruin the joint. One of my CV's was making a noise and I ended up getting a full shaft. I asked the parts supplier who we deal with to get me the best available and he got me a BGA one. It was a bit tight getting the gearbox end in but it's been on a few months now and haven't had any issues.
Interior fuse box diagram?
Last Poster: hcmzah in Mk5 General Area on March 13, 2025, 05:19:39 pm
Hi everyone, I'm trying to find a diagram for the interior fuse box but everywhere online it seems to be different to mine Does anyone have a diagram for this?
Last Poster: hshofique in Members Rides on March 12, 2025, 07:41:18 pm
That'#039s crazy, someone must have practically lived in the thing! Think it'#039ll get to 500,000?
Of course it will! As of now it runs really good and pulls very good. Does need its injectors done which are being done one Friday alongside walnut blasting, full service, rocker
Re: Suspension Recommendation
Last Poster: Scott1974T in Mk5 General Area on March 12, 2025, 02:42:21 pm
Does anyone know what the spec is for the Bilstein B3 OE replacement springs? On AutoDoc it comes up with these for my 2007 GTI as a replacement fit and they are only £22.14 each which seems a bargain. This is for the rear springs. It notes them as for '#039standard suspension without a trailer hitch'#039. Does anyone know if these are the same dimensions as what would be on the car or o
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